Thursday, June 3, 2010

Marbled Caramel Chocolate Slice

Mmmmmm. That pretty much sums up these amazing cookies. They are just YUMMY! Melted chocolate covers ooey-gooey homemade caramel, which tops an homemade shortbread-type crust.
I made these last night, (again, I wasn't planning on making cookies, but after I got out from work yesterday and the grocery store was right there...well, it all fell into place), but the chocolate didn't harden in time for me to cut them, take a picture, post, and not stay up until midnight. So, I just waited til this morning to show the deliciousness. I think these may be my favorite so far.
OK, so definitely no cookies today or tonight. Besides, I already have homemade pizza to make, and the Celtic-Lakers Finals are on tonight. The two go hand-in-hand. I may just post my pizza on here; even though it's not a cookie, it's awesome! Best of baking!

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