Monday, May 31, 2010

My First Cookie: Viennese Whirls!

So, I started my first cookie on Memorial Day, and they are the Viennese Whirls. They aren't the first cookie in the book, but I'm not planning on going in order. I feel like I maybe should have done something more patriotic, but that's okay; there's always Fourth of July, right?
Anyway, they were pretty easy to make: just butter, confectioner's sugar, vanilla extract, flour, and cornstarch. Then you put the dough into a pastry bag fitted with a fluted nozzle, pipe little rosettes on the baking sheet, and then bake for about 12 minutes. Then I made this filling for them, consisting of light cream, coffee, confectioner's sugar, and butter. Simply spoon it on the cookie, then sandwich it between another cookie. I personally prefer the cookies without the filling, but they are perfectly delicious with it, as well. The picture above is what they look like after baking, without the filling (obviously). A successful baking experience, I think; and I can't wait to try out my next cookie...the trouble is deciding which one to make! ; ) Best of baking!

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